Published on 16 April 2024
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Dr. hab. , CEA Fellow
Dr-Hab Jean-Paul Garandet has been a research director at CEA since 2001, where he leads a research group at the interface between CEA-Liten and CEA-List teams, focusing on the modeling and experimental validation of additive manufacturing processes. He graduated from Telecom Paris in 1983 with a major in electronics and physics. He holds a doctorate in materials science from the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (1989), where he also obtained his habilitation (specialization: mechanics) in 1998. He is co-author of over 70 patents and 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals. |
- 5 staff
- 0 postdocs
- 5 PhD students
Research Activities
Jean-Paul Garandet has been working on heat and mass transport phenomena at the interface between the materials and mechanics communities for over 30 years. A major part of his research activity has focused on crystal-growth solidification of semiconductor materials, with particular emphasis on silicon for photovoltaic applications, and he is now turning his attention to additive manufacturing problems on metallic alloys. These activities have also led him to tackle issues revolving around diffusion, capillarity and high-temperature physicochemistry. A specific feature of Jean-Paul Garandet's work is his will to build bridges between experimentalists and numerical modelling experts, with an approach based on the identification of first-order parameters in a given problem and the establishment of scaling laws to link them.
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Selected publications and conferences:
A solution to the hot cracking problem for aluminium alloys manufactured by laser beam melting,
Acta Materialia, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2020.07.015
Influence of powder recycling on 316L stainless steel feedstocks and printed parts in laser powder bed fusion, Additive Manufacturing, 2022, DOI:
On the potential of Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy applied to the non-destructive characterization of the density of (LPBF) additively manufactured materials,
Manufacturing, 2022, DOI:
On the elaboration of composite AlSi7Mg0.6/SiC powders and parts by Laser Powder Bed Fusion,
J. Materials Science, 2023, DOI:
Towards in-situ fumes composition monitoring during an additive manufacturing process using energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry,
Additive Manufacturing Letters, 2023, DOI:
Selected patents:
- 2019 |
Procédé de fabrication d’une pièce en alliage d’aluminium par fabrication additive à partir d’un mélange de poudres contenant de la zircone yttriee, FR 19 04935- 2021
- 2021 |
Procédé de détection de fissures dans une pièce en alliage d’aluminium réalisée par fabrication additive, FR 21 02040
- 2022 |
Caractérisation d’un lit de poudre métallique par colorimétrie, FR 22 04524
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